Kevin Simpson continues his series of messages on the 8 visions given to Zechariah that were designed to keep the people moving forward with building the temple.
Kevin Simpson continues his series of messages on the 8 visions given to Zechariah that were designed to keep the people moving forward with building the temple.
Mike Ferguson encourages to consider and live for today.
Jerod Schaefer examines the journey that Paul takes to Rome in Acts 27, and his opportunities to preach the Gospel during the voyage.
Nolan Tewell covers prophecies from the book of Jeremiah.
Jerod Schaefer continues his series on the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, this week examining Smyrna.
Mr. Tewell preaches a message concerning the promise given to the world through the sacrifice of Christ.
Jerod Schaefer concludes examining Paul’s defense before King Agrippa and cover some review.
Nolan Tewell continues his teaching through Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament, specifically out of Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
Kevin Simpson looks into the parallels of the 6th vision of Zechariah with other interesting prophecies found in Ezekiel, Malachi, Haggai, Daniel, and Jeremiah. The point of this lesson was a warning about apathy in the Church.
Nolan Tewell delivers a message of encouragement to live according to the Law of Life.