Nolan Tewell examines the concept and application of spiritual circumcision.
Nolan Tewell encourages the saints from 1 Corinthians 3 to be careful how we build, specifically, that we must make certain that our foundation is Christ.
Lorenzo continues studying through the book of James and encourages us to be righteous.
Nolan Tewell encourages us to adjust out attitudes.
Roger Magalsky exhorts us to pay the price.
Nolan Tewell continues examining Roman 4 and the resulting faith working through love.
Mike Woitaszewski examines the wisdom of God.
Nolan Tewell examines Romans 4.
Nolan Tewell encourages the Saints to consider the hope that we have in Jesus Christ as the Risen and Ascended One.
Jerod Schaefer continues his series on the Seven Letters to the Churches from the book of Revelation. Tonight’s letter was written as a warning to the city of Sardis. *Please note – Jerod mentions Sardis as being a city on an island. This was done in error as he had been studying several ancient cities…