Shotgun Preaching on Daily August 22, 2021 Lorenzo Serrano, Roger Magalsky, Josh Bantam, David Morrell, John Magalsky Habits, Faith, Focus Acts, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians, Luke Listen to Roger Magalsky, Lorenzo Serrano, David Morrell, Josh Bantam, and John Magalsky deliver some shotgun preaching on daily.
Paul – A Life Well Lived Part 46 August 22, 2021 Jerod Schaefer Purpose, Bible Study, Bible Character Sketch Acts, 1 Timothy, Ezekiel Jerod Schaefer continues teaching through Acts 20 and Paul’s conference with the elders of Ephesus.
Foreshadows of the Feast of Unleavened Bread August 15, 2021 Kevin Simpson Spiritual Growth, Bible Study, Kingdom Matthew, Luke, Leviticus Kevin Simpson encourages the church to understand how the feasts are foreshadows of key concepts of Christianity.
1 Corinthians 10:1-13 August 8, 2021 Nolan Tewell Spiritual Growth 1 Corinthians Nolan Tewell preaches a message of encouragement to learn from the past, and be willing to listen today to the Word of God.
Paul – A life Well Lived Part 44 August 8, 2021 Jerod Schaefer Faith, Bible Study Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, 2 Timothy Jerod Schaefer continues his series covering Paul’s missionary journeys. He encouraged the congregation that despite difficulties, the Gospel must continue to be preached.
Do You Believe? August 1, 2021 Jerod Schaefer Overcoming, Spiritual Growth, Faith John, Matthew, Romans, 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy Mr. Jerod Schaefer challenges the saints to believe the words of Jesus, put aside a victim mentality, and make the decision to get to Heaven.
Be On The Alert August 1, 2021 Nolan Tewell Focus, Being Christ, Purpose, Spiritual Growth, Faith, Truth James, 1 Peter Listen to Nolan Tewell encourage us to be on the alert.
Law(lessness) July 25, 2021 Nolan Tewell Repentance, Being Christ, Faith, Truth Colossians, James, 1 Peter, Jude, Romans, Galatians Listen to Nolan Tewell examine law vs lawlessness and encourage us to pursue faith working through love, the New Creation.
The Hand of The Lord July 4, 2021 Jerod Schaefer Truth, Goals, Focus, History, Bible Character Sketch, Kingdom, Purpose, Spiritual Growth, Fasting, Forgiveness, Prayer, Faith 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James, Leviticus, Ezra Listen to Jerod Schaefer examine Ezra preparing himself and acting out his faith, with the hand of the Lord upon him.
Personal Conviction July 4, 2021 Nolan Tewell Faith, Truth, Being Christ, Purpose, Spiritual Growth, Prayer John, Luke, Romans, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians Listen to Nolan Tewell examine increasing our faith and being personally convicted.