Nolan Tewell continues the series on Messianic Prophecies. Tonight’s lesson was taught from the book of Haggai.
Lorenzo Serrano continues his series on King David, a man after God’s own heart. Tonight Lorenzo taught from 2 Samuel 7 and discussed the importance of fulfilling one’s own purpose for God.
Nolan Tewell continues examining worship & service.
Jerod Schaefer continues his series on the letters to the churches in Revelation. Tonight’s message was the letter to the church in Thyatira, who tolerated the woman Jezebel.
Nolan Tewell continues examining worship & service.
Nolan Tewell begins examining worship & service.
Guest preacher, Jay Wilson, encourages the saints with a powerful message of preparedness and the need to have perseverance of faith in the landfill while we work God’s salvage operation.
Lorenzo Serrano encourages the Saints to persevere in the Spiritual battle, wielding the sword of the Word, which ensures our sanctification.
Jerod Schaefer reviews Paul’s companions, preaching, letters, and his love and care for the Churches
Listen to Nolan Tewell examine the Sign of Destruction.