God’s Vineyard November 21, 2021 Nolan Tewell Love, Overcoming, Judgement, Unity, Purpose, Faith, Heaven, Truth Matthew, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Isaiah Listen to Nolan Tewell examine God’s Vineyard.
Faith Over Fear October 10, 2021 Faith, Overcoming, Encouragement Hebrews, 1 Peter, Romans, 2 Corinthians Jerod Schaefer encourages the Saints to get tough, be humble, and fulfill the purpose of Christ in our generation, despite the adversity in the world.
Saints and Faithful Brethren October 10, 2021 Nolan Tewell Faith, Truth, Overcoming 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, Jude, Luke, Romans, Colossians Listen to Nolan Tewell encourage us to be on guard and remain faithful.
Man Will Be Accountable September 1, 2021 Jay Wilson Truth, Repentance, Overcoming, Encouragement, Jesus, Forgiveness, The Gospel, Faith, Judgement Romans, Galatians, 1 Timothy, Genesis Listen to Jay Wilson examine accountability.
Transforming Power August 29, 2021 Jeff Hostetter Victory, Overcoming, Being Christ, Faith, Truth Hebrews Listen to Jeff Hostetter examine the transforming power of the new creation.
Do You Believe? August 1, 2021 Jerod Schaefer Spiritual Growth, Faith, Overcoming 2 Timothy, John, Matthew, Romans, 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians Mr. Jerod Schaefer challenges the saints to believe the words of Jesus, put aside a victim mentality, and make the decision to get to Heaven.
Firmly Planted June 27, 2021 Mike Woitaszewski Truth, Overcoming, Faith Matthew, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Hebrews, 1 Peter, 1 John, Revelation, Deuteronomy Mike Woitaszewski reminds us of the importance of resisting the devil by keeping our feet firmly planted in the Kingdom of God.
Things We Know… June 6, 2021 Jerod Schaefer Overcoming, Encouragement, Purpose John, Matthew, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, Hebrews, James, 1 John Jerod Schaefer wraps up his series on 1 John with emphasis on knowing who Jesus Is. Do you want to know what (or who) is true, and what (or who) is real? Know Christ.
Unashamed May 30, 2021 Lorenzo Serrano Truth, Overcoming, Being Christ, Victory, The Gospel, Faith Romans, Ephesians, 2 Timothy, Revelation Listen to Lorenzo Serrano encourage and empower us to live unashamed.
You Can May 16, 2021 Nolan Tewell Being Christ, Overcoming John, Romans, Ephesians, James, 1 Peter Listen to Nolan Tewell encourage us that we can.