Roger Magalsky encourages the congregation to push past our own self-imposed limits to achieve what God has made us to do.
Nolan Tewell preaches a message about understanding that the nature of our life on this earth means we will need to be learn to persevere and praise God.
Nolan Tewell encourages the congregation to remember that Jesus came to earth, was tempted, suffered, and died so that He would understand our woes in the life.
Jerod Schaefer fills in for Lorenzo Serrano today and continues teaching through James Chapter 3 regarding the importance of controlling the tongue as an individual and as a teacher in the congregation.
Nolan Tewell examines how God’s plan has always been the Church and how Satan tries to hinder that plan.
Nolan Tewell preaches encouragement from the book of Jeremiah, from the Lord comes healing and His church is full of thankfulness!
Lorenzo Serrano continues his series on the book of James. This week we cover God’s design and implementation of teachers and instruction.
Lorenzo Serrano continues his series on the book of James. Today’s class covered chapter 3, the tongue is a rudder.
Lorenzo Serrano and Nolan Tewell tag-team a message on understanding the hope we have and learning to be content in all situations.
Jerod Schaefer, Lorenzo Serrano, Mike Woitaszewski, Nolan Tewell, and Kevin Simpson examine the Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ.