Kevin Simpson delves deeply into the ways the word “praise” is used in the Bible.
Lorenzo Serrano and Nolan Tewell tag-team a message on understanding the hope we have and learning to be content in all situations.
Lorenzo Serrano continues studying through the book of James. This week we examine mercy and judgement.
Mike Woitaszewski examines how God uses the weak things of the world to perfect holiness.
Kevin Simpson continues his series concerning the word “consider” by asking if we are taking proper inventory of spiritual things and appraising them correctly so we can be ready for whatever comes.
Kevin Simpson continues his series concerning the word “consider” by asking if we are taking proper inventory of spiritual things and appraising them correctly so we can be ready for whatever comes.
Jerod Schaefer delivers a message about the many different ways God has made Himself manifest and has communicated to us through the Creation, fulfilled prophecy, the Word, through Christ Himself, and through His people.
Nolan Tewell encourages the church to understand that God’s plan has always been to bring forth the church, Spiritual Israel.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue to study through the life and impact of Paul.
Nolan Tewell presents a question to which we need to understand. Is repentance a right or a reward?