First Adam Vs Last Adam September 25, 2022 Nolan Tewell Overcoming, Being Christ, Sin 1 Corinthians, Hebrews, James, 1 John, Genesis Nolan Tewell preaches a message comparing and contrasting Adam, the earthy, and Jesus, the Heavenly, life-giving spirit.
James – Faith in Action Part 10 July 10, 2022 Lorenzo Serrano Endurance, Faith John, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Philippians, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter Lorenzo Serrano continues his study of the book of James. The focus of today’s lesson was perseverance through trial and facing temptation.
David: A Man Of Prayer March 15, 2020 Lorenzo Serrano Prayer Psalms, Proverbs Lorenzo teaches the character of David and how we can be like him for Christ from the Book of Psalms.
Purification of Sins June 23, 2019 Luke Wilson Sin Hebrews Luke Wilson teaches the importance of turning from sin and remain in our faith in the Lord.