Galatians Part 74 January 5, 2020 Nolan Tewell Overcoming Galatians Nolan Tewell continues his series on the book of Galatians and illustrates the importance of self control in our lives.
Encourage One Another December 15, 2019 Luke Wilson Spiritual Growth Hebrews Luke Wilson teaches the importance of encouraging one another throughout life.
Galatians Part 65 November 3, 2019 Nolan Tewell Spiritual Growth Galatians Nolan Tewell teaches the values of being patient with one another.
Rendered Powerless October 27, 2019 Luke Wilson Sin Hebrews Luke Wilson stresses the freedom from the guilt of sin which the Christian enjoys because of Christ’s sacrifice.
Encouragement for the New Creation July 24, 2019 Jeff Hostetter Encouragement Judges Jeff Hostetter teaches the importance of staying obedient and encouraged in everything we do.
Purification of Sins June 23, 2019 Luke Wilson Sin Hebrews Luke Wilson teaches the importance of turning from sin and remain in our faith in the Lord.
Power of Jesus’ Resurrection April 21, 2019 Luke Wilson Resurrection Philippians Luke Wilson explains the surpassing power of Jesus’ resurrection.
Living, Sharp, Active March 24, 2019 Luke Wilson Spiritual Growth Hebrews Luke Wilson teaches the importance of spreading the Gospel to others and heeding to God’s Word.
Excitement in evangelism part 5 March 13, 2019 Luke Wilson Evangelism Luke Wilson teaches a new segment on evangelism concerning forgiveness.
The Watchman February 10, 2019 Luke Wilson Evangelism Ezekiel You are a watchman, see souls. If not now, when?