Love’s Paradigm November 8, 2020 Nolan Tewell Spiritual Growth, Love, Worship, Being Christ 1 John Listen to Nolan Tewell examine the paradigm of love.
Philippians Part 28 November 1, 2020 Nolan Tewell Fellowship Philippians Nolan Tewell wraps up his series on the book of Philippians with a focus on fellowship and stewardship.
God Highly Exalts The Humble July 5, 2020 Nolan Tewell Being Christ, Spiritual Growth Philippians Listen to Nolan Tewell continue to preach through Philippians and encourage us to humble ourselves.
Finish Strong Through Christ June 21, 2020 Luke Wilson Overcoming, Endurance, Being Christ, Sin, The Gospel, The Bible, Faith Hebrews Listen to Luke Wilson encourage us to finish strong through Christ.
Give, Give March 15, 2020 Luke Wilson Giving Proverbs Luke Wilson teaches the importance of giving everything for Christ from Proverbs 30.
In the Days of His Flesh February 23, 2020 Luke Wilson Jesus Hebrews Mr. Wilson preaches and teaches the latest installment from the book of Hebrews.
He is No Fool… January 5, 2020 Luke Wilson Spiritual Growth John Luke Wilson teaches the importance of living for God from the book of John 12.
1 Peter Part 31 December 25, 2019 Luke Wilson Overcoming 1 Peter Luke Wilson continues his series on the Lord’s love from the excerpt of 1 Peter Chapter 4.
Galatians Part 60 September 29, 2019 Nolan Tewell Focus Galatians Nolan Tewell discusses the importance of abstaining from the deeds of the flesh from the book of Galatians.
1 Peter Part 19 September 25, 2019 Luke Wilson Marriage, Spiritual Growth 1 Peter, 2 Peter Mr. Luke Wilson continues teaching through the book of 1 Peter. This installment focuses on the need for us to follow God’s plan and be submissive to His will.