Beginning a new year, Nolan Tewell examines a cleansed conscience.
Jay Wilson of Bozeman, MT delivers a lesson on the difference just one day can make.
Jerod Schaefer, Lorenzo Serrano, Mike Woitaszewski, Nolan Tewell, and Kevin Simpson examine the Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ.
Lorenzo Serrano continues studying through the book of James. This week we examine mercy and judgement.
Nolan Tewell continues his teaching of encouragement to the saints who are involved in spiritual warfare to be prepared and focused.
Lorenzo Serrano continues his teaching on the book of James in chapter two. This week we examine loving others as Jesus loved us.
Kevin Simpson continues his series concerning the word “consider” by asking if we are taking proper inventory of spiritual things and appraising them correctly so we can be ready for whatever comes.
Mr. Tewell encourages the church to remember that the work of the Lord gets done through the service and sacrifice of individual Christians.
Nolan Tewell encourages the church to be the resurrected army God has made us to be!
Lorenzo Serrano continues his study of the book of James. The focus of today’s lesson was perseverance through trial and facing temptation.