1 Peter Part 19 September 25, 2019 Luke Wilson Marriage, Spiritual Growth 1 Peter, 2 Peter Mr. Luke Wilson continues teaching through the book of 1 Peter. This installment focuses on the need for us to follow God’s plan and be submissive to His will.
1 Peter Part 15 August 21, 2019 Luke Wilson Worship 1 Peter Luke Wilson demonstrates the importance of submission to Christ continuing from the book of 1 Peter.
Philippians Part 4 August 11, 2019 Nolan Tewell Faith Romans Nolan Tewell teaches the importance of bringing others to Christ.
Faith in the Old Testament July 21, 2019 Jerry Weller Faith John Jerry Weller discusses the importance of obeying the lessons taught in the Old Testament.
1 Peter Part 9 June 26, 2019 Luke Wilson The Bible 1 Peter We wrap up 1 Peter chapter 1 with a focus on the enduring Word of God.
1 Peter Part 6 June 5, 2019 Luke Wilson Fellowship 1 Peter Luke Wilson teaches the importance of giving the Lord our best in what we do.