Lorenzo Serrano continues studying through the book of James. This week we examine mercy and judgement.
Lorenzo Serrano continues his teaching on the book of James in chapter two. This week we examine loving others as Jesus loved us.
Kevin Simpson continues his series concerning the word “consider” by asking if we are taking proper inventory of spiritual things and appraising them correctly so we can be ready for whatever comes.
Lorenzo Serrano preaches a message to remind the church that this world is not our home and to be ready for the return of Christ.
Lorenzo Serrano continues studying through the book of James. This week we begin examining Chapter 2.
Nolan Tewell examines the importance of faithful brethren, doing our part, and working together to serve God.
Mr. Tewell encourages the church in ways to be a revolution today.
Jerod Schaefer delivers a message about the many different ways God has made Himself manifest and has communicated to us through the Creation, fulfilled prophecy, the Word, through Christ Himself, and through His people.
Nolan Tewell continues his series on messages to a resurrected army. Tonight’s message is largely focused on the importance of speaking the truth in love and teaching sound doctrine.
Nolan Tewell continues his Bible series on judgment. This week’s focus is on helping the brethren repent.