Marriage of the Lamb November 15, 2020 Nolan Tewell Family, Kingdom Revelation Nolan Tewell preaches from the book of Revelation concerning the Bridegroom and His Bride, the Church.
2 Peter Part 23 November 11, 2020 Nolan Tewell Truth, Bible Study 2 Peter Listen to Nolan Tewell continue to study through 2 Peter. This week we examine not rightly dividing the Word of God to support Theistic Evolution.
Miscellaneous Encouragements October 7, 2020 Nolan Tewell Faith Daniel Mr. Tewell preaches a message of encouragement regarding the church’s responsibility as it relates to another’s conscience.
Galatians Part 80 February 16, 2020 Nolan Tewell Being Christ, Spiritual Growth Galatians Listen to Nolan Tewell continue studying through the Epistle to the Galatians.
1 Peter Part 32 January 1, 2020 Luke Wilson Spiritual Growth 1 Peter Listen to Luke Wilson continue to study through 1 Peter.
Galatians Part 70 December 8, 2019 Nolan Tewell Spiritual Growth Galatians Nolan Tewell continues his series on the Epistle to the Galatians from Galatians chapter 5.
Power of Prayer July 21, 2019 Jerry Weller Prayer Philippians Jerry Weller talks about the amazing power of prayer.
The Danger of Falling Away January 20, 2019 Luke Wilson Faith Psalms Mr Wilson teaches the importance of staying in Christ and the dangers of falling away from Him.