2 Peter Part 1 April 22, 2020 Nolan Tewell Bible Study, Grace 2 Peter Nolan Tewell starts a new section on 2 Peter during Wednesday night Bible Study.
Resurrection Reality April 12, 2020 Luke Wilson Resurrection 1 Corinthians Luke Wilson delivers a message on the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ – and encourages the saints to live in that reality.
More Than Conquerors April 7, 2020 Luke Wilson Victory Revelation Luke Wilson delivers a powerful message of encouragement from the book of Revelation during the 2020 Virtual Family Camp. Listen in and be encouraged! Note: Luke references William Hendrickson’s book, “More Than Conquerors” in his message.
David: A Man Of Prayer March 15, 2020 Lorenzo Serrano Prayer Psalms, Proverbs Lorenzo teaches the character of David and how we can be like him for Christ from the Book of Psalms.
Give, Give March 15, 2020 Luke Wilson Giving Proverbs Luke Wilson teaches the importance of giving everything for Christ from Proverbs 30.
Source of Eternal Salvation March 1, 2020 Luke Wilson Salvation Hebrews Luke Wilson teaches the importance of eternal salvation from Hebrews Chapter 5.
Galatians Part 82 March 1, 2020 Nolan Tewell Spiritual Growth Galatians Nolan Tewell teaches a new segment on his series of the epistle to the Galatians.
Open and Laid Bare January 26, 2020 Luke Wilson Spiritual Growth Hebrews Luke Wilson reminds us the God is always watching from the excerpt of Hebrews 4.
He is No Fool… January 5, 2020 Luke Wilson Spiritual Growth John Luke Wilson teaches the importance of living for God from the book of John 12.
Believe More December 29, 2019 Luke Wilson Faith Hebrews Luke Wilson teaches the importance of belief in Jesus from the excerpt of Hebrews 3.