Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue examining the events leading up to Paul’s imprisonment.
Aidan Cullingworth, Mequel Baril, Kendal Lee, Jerod Schaefer, and Lorenzo Serrano bring forth short messages of encouragement on the great importance of diligence in Christ.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer begin examining the events leading up to Paul’s imprisonment.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer review Paul’s Third Missionary Journey.
Jerod Schaefer continues discussing Paul’s Third Missionary Journey in Acts 21, and about the steadfast faith Paul had to proceed to Jerusalem knowing that imprisonment awaited him.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue to study through the life and impact of Paul.
After a 2 month hiatus, listen to Jerod Schaefer review Acts Chapter 20.
Jerod Schaefer continues teaching through Acts 20 and Paul’s conference with the elders of Ephesus.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue studying through Paul’s Third Missionary Journey. This week we examine Paul declaring the whole purpose of God and warning the elders of Ephesus to be on guard for savage wolves and falser teachers.
Jerod Schaefer continues his series covering Paul’s missionary journeys. He encouraged the congregation that despite difficulties, the Gospel must continue to be preached.