Hydroplate Theory Part 2 June 7, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Truth, Creation Science Genesis Part two of examining the Hydroplate Theory that helps explain the Flood.
Introduction to Jeremiah June 4, 2023 Jerod Schaefer History, Truth, The Bible Romans, Hebrews, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
Hydroplate Theory Part 1 May 31, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Truth, Creation Science Genesis Introduction to the Hydroplate Theory that helps explain the Flood.
Where Are You Looking? May 7, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Encouragement Philippians Jerod Schaefer encourages the saints, as heavenly citizens, to be careful where we look.
Receive and Reflect! April 2, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Encouragement 2 Corinthians, Hebrews, 1 Peter, Isaiah, Malachi
Edifying the Body March 5, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Fellowship Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Esther, John, Romans, 1 Corinthians Jerod Schaefer encourages the body of Christ to understand the importance of being part of the family of God.
The Pillar of Fellowship February 5, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter Jerod Schaefer encourages the Saints to make use of their time and their homes for fellowship.
Failure Is Not An Option January 1, 2023 Jerod Schaefer Indwelling Holy Spirit, Sin, Spiritual Growth, Overcoming Romans, Galatians, Titus Jerod Schaefer encourages the congregation to be aware of the spiritual battle, consider the consequences of defeat, and understand that failure is not an option.