Do Not Love The World September 8, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Outreach, Spiritual Growth, Evangelism, Being Christ, Purpose 1 John Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue preaching through 1st John and examine what and how we should and should not love.
1 Peter Part 14 August 14, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Faith 1 Peter Jerod Schaefer teaches the importance of staying faithful to Christ and not of this world from the excerpt of 1 Peter.
1 Peter Part 13 August 7, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Spiritual Growth 1 Peter Jerod Schaefer covers a segment on the book of 1 Peter about the unapproachable light of God.
Three Stages of Spiritual Maturity July 7, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Spiritual Growth 1 John Jerod Schaefer continues preaching through the first epistle of John. This message comes from 1 John 2:12-14.
An Old, New Commandment June 2, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Fellowship 1 John Jerod Schaefer teaches the value of an old commandment that teaches love and hate.
Fellowship With Christ April 7, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Fellowship 1 John Jerod Schaefer teaches the importance of having fellowship with Christ.
1 John Part 3 March 3, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Fellowship 1 John Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue to examine 1 John.
1 John Part 2 February 3, 2019 Jerod Schaefer Encouragement 1 John Jerod Schaefer covers the next segment in his series on the letters of John. Tonight’s message examines the first few verses of 1 John.
Letters of John – Intro January 6, 2019 Jerod Schaefer 1 John Jerod Schaefer introduces a new series covering 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John.
Christian Apologetics: New Testament November 5, 2018 Jerod Schaefer 0 Comments Jerod Schaefer concludes his series on Christian Apologetics.