Mr. Kevin Simpson continues closing in on a conclusion of his Tabernacle and the Christian study as he provides a summary wrap up of the Feast of Booths and it’s relationship to Zechariah 14.
Mr. Kevin Simpson continues teaching through the Old Testament Tabernacle system and how it relates to the Christian. This week, we re-examine the prophecy and timing of when Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, and how account of this offered by the religious marketplace is largely incorrect.
Mr. Kevin Simpson continues teaching through the Old Testament Tabernacle system and how it relates to the Christian. This week, we re-examine the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread as it relates to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
Kevin Simpson continues teaching through the relationships between the Tabernacle and the Christian. This week we continue examining unleavened bread, the nation of Israel leaving Egypt, and their relationship to us.