Join Luke Wilson of Christ’s Church in Billings, MT as he preaches a message about the necessity of being teachable.
Luke Wilson of Christ’s Church in Billings, MT delivers a message about why we do what we do. Well worth the listen!
Mr. Luke Wilson delivers a powerful message on our responsibilities as Christians.
Listen to another awesome message from Mr. Luke Wilson preaching out the book of I Corinthians!
Luke Wilson delivers an awesome message on the Temple Of God.
Listen to the first in a series of studies on the Book of Zephaniah.
Luke Wilson delivers an awesome message on the necessity of building the spiritual house well.
Enjoy another enstallment from Mr. Luke Wilson out of the bood of I Corinthians!
Enjoy another installment from Mr. Luke Wilson out of the book of I Corinthians!
Luke Wilson delivers an encouraging and challenging message on the Mind of Christ and what that means for the Christian.