Listen to Luke Wilson examine God’s Word being living, active, sharp!
Preaching from Matt 28:17-20, Luke encourages the saints to follow the great commission one soul at a time!
Listen to Luke Wilson examine whether cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Listen to Luke Wilson examine the Laws of the Harvest.
Last week we saw that there is a supernatural evil that we cannot ever face alone. This week, Luke reveals the power we have to overcome the evil one through the Spirit who indwells us.
Christianity is a battle for hearts and minds of the lost. It is a battle that has waged since the beginning and cannot be won by the will of man. Instead, it is the Christ who dwells within the Christian that provides the power and wisdom to win the day! Listen in on part 1…
Listen to Luke Wilson examine The Golden Rule.
Vessels for dishonor or vessels for honor? Luke Wilson works through this question and shows that the saints of God are vessels to be used for the greatest honor!
The King is coming soon and there will be many who are suprised and shrink back in shame! Are you ready to contend with THE King of kings and LORD of lords?
Larry Miller delivers the first in a series of messages on the book of Nehemiah. Listen in and be encouraged to take one step at a time!