Listen to Luke Wilson encourage us to shine the Letter of Christ.
Luke Wilson delivers a message encouraging the saints to be a fragrant aroma to God but to be aware that that means we may not always “smell” good to the world.
Listen to Luke Wilson examine God’s forgiveness of us, and our forgiveness of others.
Listen to Luke Wilson examine authority from the Lord!
Listen to Luke Wilson examined how we are established, anointed, and sealed.
Listen to Kirk Heinbauch examine the Covenant With Abraham and how it applies to the Christian
Mr. Luke Wilson continues his series on the book of 2 Corinthians and deals specifically with the accusation that Paul was vascilating in regards to the church in Corinth.
Listen to Luke Wilson exhort us to read and understand.
From the book of 2 Corinthians, Mr. Wilson delivers a message concerning where to find comfort in suffering.
LIsten to Luke Wilson examine who we are and what we are called to be as Saints.