Mr. Luke Wilson continues preaching through Romans and this week we are in Romans 9 looking at who’s will brings salvation.
Listen to Luke Wilson examine the significance of, and who are, the children of promise.
Listen to Luke Wilson review the previous chapters in Romans, and exhort us to live in a manner focused on seeking and saving the lost.
Luke Wilson delivers part 2 of 2 “shotgun” messages aimed at admonishing the saints.
Luke Wilson delivers part 1 of 2 “shotgun” messages aimed at admonishing the saints.
Listen to Luke Wilson examine how we overwhelmingly conquer and how our only limitation is ourselves.
Listen to Luke Wilson remind and encourage us regarding who is for us.
Luke Wilson completes his 3-part message on what it means for the Christian to be glorified.
Listen Luke Wilson continue an examination on the Glorified Christ and what that means for the Christian.
Continuing his series through the book of Romans, Luke delivers a message from chapter eight on the Glorified Christ and what that means for the Christian.