Guests (Page 7)

Chinese: the Language of God?

David Cook, originally of Missoula, MT, now living in China, shares a presentation on the Chinese language and its amazing roots in the book of Genesis.  When listening to this message, be sure to follow this link for the presentation* that shows you the Chinese characters to which he refers in his presetation. 

Listen To The Voice

Chirst’s Church in Billings was blessed with a visit from the preacher at the Church of Christ in Dunedin, New Zealand, Aaron Knotts.  He delivered a great message of encouragement on the state of New Zealand and the great responsibility of the Church in this generation.

WWHA – Belarus

Steve Doty of Michigan visited the Billings congregation on his way to Montana Family Camp and gave us a presentation on the work that his company, World Wide Humanitarian Aid, is doing in Belarus and around the world.  Here is the recording of that message.