Josh kelly continues his series of messages from the New Testament book of James.
Listen and learn from Kevin Simpson as he continues preaching and teaching through the book of Ephesians.
Enjoy another enstallment from Mr. Jerod Schaefer on Christian Apologetics!
Mike Ferguson preaches a message on the basics of elders and their role in the assembly.
Listen to Josh Kelly’s message from James as he continues to exhort the brethren.
Part 2 of a lesson on Dating the New Testament writings.
As Mr. Mike Ferguson continues his study on the book of 1st Timothy he speaks on the subject of women and what the scripture has to say about their role in the body of Christ.
Enjoy Josh Kelly’s second installment from the book of James.
Mike Ferguson filled in for Luke Wilson and taught a class on finaces and what we (Christians) are created for.
The evening message by Larry Miller on the deep need all people have for belonging and fellowship.