Learn from the book of Ephesians as Kevin Simpson preaches another message from the book.
Mike Ferguson delivers a thought-provoking and challenging message from 1 Timothy concerning elders.
Josh Kelly preaches another message from the book of James; this week he discusses wisdom and its importance in Christianity.
Jerod Schaefer of Billings, MT, delivers the next in a series of messages from the book of Jude. This week he continues his discussion on the Christian being “Called, Chosen, and Beloved.”
Kevin Simpson delivers an excellent message from Ephesians 4.
Mike Ferguson of Billings, MT, delivers a message from 1 Timothy, chapter 6 titled “Honor and Responsibility.”
Jerod Schaefer, of Billings, MT, begins a series on the New Testament book of Jude in a message titled “Called, Beloved, Kept.”
Josh Kelly continues his series from the book of James and preaches this week on Sound Teachers.
Enjoy another awesome message out of Ephesians 4, by Mr. Kevin Simpson as he teaches on being clothed with Christ!
Listen in on a message entitled “Perceptual Filter” on the importance of seeing the world through God’s eyes.