Kevin Simpson delivers a message from Ephesians on the importance of using our time wisely.
Listen in on a well-communicated message from Clint Stone as he ellucidates the need for Biblical belief.
Listen to Kevin Simpson explain how we are lights of The Father.
Listen to Mike Ferguson deliver a message praising the name of the Lord.
Clint Stone preaches a message that sheds some light on the relationship between the passover of the Old Testament and Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
Jerod Schaefer delivers the first message of a series on Appearing as Lights in This World from Philippians 2:12-16.
Kevin Simpson delivers another message from Ephesians entitled “Charge to the Light Brigade.”
Listen to Mike Ferguson exhort us to seize the day.
Jerod Schaefer finishes up a series on the book of Jude with his closing encouragements.
Listen to Kevin Simpson preach a message on Empty Words.