Listen to Josh Goll examine how we follow the Great Commission.
Listen to Kevin Simpson encourage us to understand who we are, when called by name.
Listen to Kevin Simpson continue to examine foreshadowing in the feasts. This message is being saved as an evening message for organization.
Continuing in Galations 5, Jerod Schaefer conitinues an examination of the battle of the flesh vs the spirit, and what it takes to win. In this message, he discusses idolatry and the command from Paul to “flee from idolatry!”
Enjoy some brief messages on joy from some of the the men of Christ’s Church. Tonight’s line up includes: David Dobson – James 1:2 David Morrell – Psalm 118:24 Mike Woitaszweski – Luke 15:7 Brad Shaw – Psalm 106:5 Mequel Baril – John 4:36 and Psalm 126:5
Listen to Luke Wilson encourage us to pray without ceasing.
Nolan Tewell delivers a message about being careful to evaluate our selves with the scripture and not by our own measure.
Larry Miller continues a series of messages from the book of Nehemiah; this week he discusses the need to get to work building the temple.
Jerod continues his series from the book of Galatians dealing with the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. This week, the subject of immorality, impurity and sensuality are discussed. Warning: mature content.
Listen in on shotgun preaching by Roger Magalsky, John Marancik, Larry Miller, Justin Bolton and Mike Woitaszewski as they bring messages of encouragement on the subject of love.