Larry Miller continues a series of messages from the book of Nehemiah; this week he discusses the need to get to work building the temple.
Jerod continues his series from the book of Galatians dealing with the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. This week, the subject of immorality, impurity and sensuality are discussed. Warning: mature content.
Listen in on shotgun preaching by Roger Magalsky, John Marancik, Larry Miller, Justin Bolton and Mike Woitaszewski as they bring messages of encouragement on the subject of love.
Kevin Simpson delivers the next message is a series on the foreshadowes of the New Testament as found in the Old Testament.
Dante Aguinaldo, evangelist from the Philippines, delivers a farewell message to the saints in Billings with an encouragement to continue serving the Lord!
Listen to Jerod Schaefer encourage us to recognize that success is all that remains.
Listen to Larry Miller examine the importance of building your part of the wall.
Listen to Clint Stone examine what we are to do by God’s Word, through God’s Word, and for God’s Word.
Listen to Kevin Simpson examine the spiritual implications and importance of a powerful hand.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer begin a multipart series from Galatians Chapter 5. We begin by asking whom shall we serve?