Mike W delivers a message on using discernment in making decisions – in other words, making sound judgements in life.
Listen to Josh Goll continue to preach through Ephesians. This week we examine showing love through our interactions with others.
Listen to some of the Billings men deliver messages on humility.
Listen to Josh Goll continue to preach through Ephesians and examine changing the inner man.
Listen to Luke Wilson encourage us to have our faith direct our attitude.
Listen to Kevin Simpson ecnourage us to make it our ambition.
Listen to Luke Wilson continue studying through the Gospel of John. This week we examine Jesus’ words being both spirit and life.
Jerod Schaefer preaches through another installment on the book of Titus from chapter 1 verses 10-16 regarding rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers.
Listen to Nolan Tewell examine the controlling power that darkness holds, and the ability to overcome it.
Nolan Tewell preaches a message from Colossians 1 about eating the Word of God and exercising the fruit of the Spirit.