Jerod Schaefer concludes his series on Christian Apologetics.
Josh Goll teaches another segment on the book of James from chapter 2.
Lorenzo Serrano delivers an encouraging message from the story of the prodigal son.
Nolan Tewell helps define grace and points out that grace is power.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer examine whether the New Testament we have today is the same as when it was written.
Listen to David Dobson, David Morrell, Neil Schlosser, Roger Magalsky, and Caleb Wilson encourage us to be strong in the Lord.
Listen to Kevin Simpson encourage us to be devout, upright, and blameless regarding the proclamation of the Gospel.
Nolan Tewell continues his message of the Gospel from the excerpt Matthew 8.
Listen to Josh Goll begin preaching through the book of James.
Listen to Mike Woitaszewski examine God’s grace and our faith.