Listen to Lorenzo Serrano, Mike Woitaszewski, Mequel Baril, Caleb Wilson, and Matthew Wilson encourage us on kindness.
Listen to Mike Ferguson encourage us to live in loving manner with one another.
Kevin Simpson teaches the importance and the value of the Kingdom of God.
Mike Woitaszewski teaches the importance of having reliability in both our spirit and our body.
Listen to Larry Miller examine Samson and his faith.
Mike Woitaszewski encourages the importance of reasoning with one another.
Listen to Nolan Tewell continue preaching through Philippians.
Mike Woitaszewski teaches the importance of our faith in Jesus Christ.
Listen in on two of the congregation’s up-and-coming preachers, Lorenzo Serrano and Caleb Wilson, as they tag-team a message about walking as Christ would walk.
Josh Goll continues preaching through James and unpackages some of the import points of wisdom from chapter 3.