Listen to Jerod Schaefer examine the importance of and manner in which the spirits are tested.
Listen to Lorenzo Serrano continue to examine pursuing God’s own heart.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer continue to preach through 1 John.
Listen to Nolan Tewell continue to preach through Philippians and encourage us to humble ourselves.
Luke Wilson delivers a powerful message of encouragement from the book of Revelation during the 2020 Virtual Family Camp. Listen in and be encouraged! Note: Luke references William Hendrickson’s book, “More Than Conquerors” in his message.
Lorenzo teaches the character of David and how we can be like him for Christ from the Book of Psalms.
Mike Woitaszewski preaches about the importance of living in the spiritual.
Jerod Schaefer continues preaching through 1 John from chapter 3:10-15.
Lorezo Serrano continues his examination of David and discusses his relationship with Jonathan.
Josh Goll delivers a message concerning our hope and promise of heaven.