Mr. Jerod Schaefer challenges the saints to believe the words of Jesus, put aside a victim mentality, and make the decision to get to Heaven.
Mr. Kevin Simpson delivers a message of encouragement to the saints to keep the faith in these unstable times, fearing the Lord.
Listen to Lorenzo Serrano review, examine, and look ahead to being a man after God’s own heart.
Mike Woitaszewski preaches a message to remind the saints of where their citizenship is.
Listen to Jerod Schaefer examine Ezra preparing himself and acting out his faith, with the hand of the Lord upon him.
Mike Woitaszewski reminds us of the importance of resisting the devil by keeping our feet firmly planted in the Kingdom of God.
Listen to Kendal Lee exhort exhort us to prepare for war.
Jerod Schaefer wraps up his series on 1 John with emphasis on knowing who Jesus Is. Do you want to know what (or who) is true, and what (or who) is real? Know Christ.
Listen to some excellent Shotgun Preaching on justice, judgement, and righteousness.
Listen to Mike Woitaszewski encourage us to overcome the world.