Jerod Schaefer continues his series on the letters to the churches in Revelation. Tonight’s message was the letter to the church in Thyatira, who tolerated the woman Jezebel.
Lorenzo Serrano examines four ways how Word of God is being attacked.
Kevin Simpson works on the big picture of the visions given to Zechariah and points out that just as the message in the Old Testament was to “Build the Temple – Messiah is Coming,” the message is the same in the New Testament.
Lorenzo Serrano encourages the Saints to persevere in the Spiritual battle, wielding the sword of the Word, which ensures our sanctification.
Kevin Simpson wraps up his series on the visions of Zechariah.
Kevin Simpson discusses the significance of horses and the four chariots in the eighth vision of Zechariah 6 and in Revelation.
Jerod Schaefer encourages the church that we need to be vigilant in our struggle against worldly influence and the teachings of the Nicolaitans.
Shotgun preaching gives some of the “up and comers” (and the preacher this month) to deliver a short message on a verse provided just hours before assembly. Tonight’s speakers and verses are: Nolan Tewell – Genesis 2:2 Drew Wilkinson – Proverbs 24:16 Josh Bantam – Matthew 15:34 Aiden Cullingworth – Matthew 18:21-22 Lorenzo Serrano –…
Jerod Schaefer continues his series on the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, this week examining Smyrna.
Kevin Simpson looks into the parallels of the 6th vision of Zechariah with other interesting prophecies found in Ezekiel, Malachi, Haggai, Daniel, and Jeremiah. The point of this lesson was a warning about apathy in the Church.