Nolan Tewell begins examining worship & service.
Kevin Simpson works on the big picture of the visions given to Zechariah and points out that just as the message in the Old Testament was to “Build the Temple – Messiah is Coming,” the message is the same in the New Testament.
Jerod Schaefer concludes his study on the missionary journeys and imprisonments of Paul, including the places he’d visited, the people he met, both encouraging and destructive, and finally his execution in 68 AD.
Jerod Schaefer reviews Paul’s companions, preaching, letters, and his love and care for the Churches
Nolan Tewell speaks on the reward of our faith – righteousness.
Jerod Schaefer engages the class with a “sweet” review over the journey to Rome and the shipwreck recounted in Acts 27.
Nolan Tewell continues his 2 part message Jesus is Coming Soon. He asks the church a valid question, “If we are willing to give 40-60 hours a week for the world, what are we willing to do for the Lord?”
Jerod Schaefer continues his study on the life of Paul and his missionary journeys. Today’s class picked up with Paul and his 276 companions leaving Malta and heading to Rome.
Mr. Tewell preaches a message concerning the promise given to the world through the sacrifice of Christ.
Jerod Schaefer concludes examining Paul’s defense before King Agrippa and cover some review.