Nolan Tewell examines how God’s plan has always been the Church and how Satan tries to hinder that plan.
Lorenzo Serrano and Nolan Tewell tag-team a message on understanding the hope we have and learning to be content in all situations.
Lorenzo Serrano continues his series on Faith in Action with examples of the faith of Abraham and Sarah. (Note: due to technical difficulties, Part 22 was not recorded.)
Lorenzo Serrano continues studying through James.
Nolan Tewell continues working through a series of messages to the church to encourage the saints to remember who they are – the resurrected army of the heavenly King!
Lorenzo Serrano continues his teaching on the book of James in chapter two. The focus of today’s lesson was using our freedom in Christ to serve with mercy and compassion.
Nolan Tewell continues his series on Messages to a Resurrected Army. The focus of tonight’s message was the world becoming globally unified, as it attempted at the Tower of Babel. God’s global plan is salvation of all mankind.
Nolan Tewell examines the importance of faithful brethren, doing our part, and working together to serve God.
Nolan Tewell preaches a message to encourage the saints to remind the saints what it looks like to be a Christian.
Nolan Tewell continues examining Roman 4 and the resulting faith working through love.