Kevin Simpson delves deep into a word study of the Hebrew word that is translated “Nazarene.”
Nolan Tewell encourages the Saints to consider the hope that we have in Jesus Christ as the Risen and Ascended One.
Lorenzo Serrano begins a new series studying through the book of James.
Jerod Schaefer continues his series on the letters to the churches in Revelation. Tonight’s message was the letter to the church in Thyatira, who tolerated the woman Jezebel.
Nolan Tewell continues examining worship & service.
Nolan Tewell begins examining the definition and application of judgement.
Guest preacher, Jay Wilson, encourages the saints with a powerful message of preparedness and the need to have perseverance of faith in the landfill while we work God’s salvage operation.
Kevin Simpson works on the big picture of the visions given to Zechariah and points out that just as the message in the Old Testament was to “Build the Temple – Messiah is Coming,” the message is the same in the New Testament.
Jerod Schaefer concludes his study on the missionary journeys and imprisonments of Paul, including the places he’d visited, the people he met, both encouraging and destructive, and finally his execution in 68 AD.
Nolan Tewell continues teaching through Daniel 9 while we examine some of the numerous prophecies of the Messiah from the Old Testament.