Kevin Simpson continues his series concerning the word “consider” by asking if we are taking proper inventory of spiritual things and appraising them correctly so we can be ready for whatever comes.
Mr. Tewell continues his series of messages to the church and shifts focus to looking outward to the whole world for opportunities to speak forth the message of the gospel.
Jeff Hostetter encourages us to think big and win in the Amazing Army of The Lord.
Lorenzo Serrano preaches a message encouraging the church to be prepared to preach the gospel.
Nolan Tewell encourages the saints to have excitement about the Lord when speaking with people in the world.
Caleb Wilson delves into the power contained in Hebrews 4:12, that the Word of God is living, active, powerful, sharp, and able to judge.
Nolan Tewell encourages us with reformation and restoration history and application.
Lorenzo Serrano continues his study of the book of James. The focus of today’s lesson was perseverance through trial and facing temptation.
Nolan Tewell continues examining Roman 4 and the resulting faith working through love.
Mike Woitaszewski examines the wisdom of God.