Nolan Tewell begins examining worship & service.
Nolan Tewell begins examining the definition and application of judgement.
Nolan Tewell teaches about the scriptural concept of types and antitypes. *Please Note* A few minutes of the message around the 12:30 mark was lost due to technical difficulties.
Jerod Schaefer concludes his study on the missionary journeys and imprisonments of Paul, including the places he’d visited, the people he met, both encouraging and destructive, and finally his execution in 68 AD.
Lorenzo Serrano encourages the Saints to persevere in the Spiritual battle, wielding the sword of the Word, which ensures our sanctification.
Nolan Tewell continues his lesson from last Wednesday night covering prophecy from Daniel 7, the power of the four beasts, aka world kingdoms, and the persecution of the Church.
Nolan Tewell continues his 2 part message Jesus is Coming Soon. He asks the church a valid question, “If we are willing to give 40-60 hours a week for the world, what are we willing to do for the Lord?”
Kevin Simpson continues his series of messages on the 8 visions given to Zechariah that were designed to keep the people moving forward with building the temple.
Mike Ferguson encourages to consider and live for today.
Jerod Schaefer encourages the Saints to see the spiritual battle going on around us and to engage in the war. A refusal to engage with the brethren in war against the spiritual forces of evil is a sin against Christ.