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After a 2 month hiatus, listen to Jerod Schaefer review Acts Chapter 20.
Mr. Nolan Tewell continues his series on the Messianic Prophecies found in the Old Testament. In Isaiah 9, we are reminded that the Divine Son was given to us as a Savior and is Himself the Eternal Father.
Mr. Binoy Thomas encourages the congregation of Billings to get rid of excuses and endure with faith for the sake of seeking and saving the lost.
Mr. Binoy Thomas encourages the brethren to develop, maintain, improve, and restore great relationships with spouses and children.
Mr. Nolan Tewell continues his series on Messianic Prophecies. This lesson covered Isaiah 8 and corollary passage in Hebrews 2.
Kevin Simpson teaches a Bible class concerning the vision of the prophet Zechariah.