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Dante Aguinaldo of Illicos Norte, Batak, Philippines, delivers a presentation and message on the work they are accomplishing in their generation. Click here to download Dante’s presentation. (18 megs)
Mr. Kevin Simpson delivers his 100th lesson on the Minor Prophets from the book of Zechariah.
Luke finishes up his overview on the book of Matthew during the New Testament series.
Binoy Thomas, evagelist of Kerala, India, brings today’s message of reason as he relates to the congregation some of his experiences living in India.
Due to the abundance of skilled preachers visiting the Billings congregation today we filled the morning roster with guests – one of which is Mike Harbor from Ohio. Mike delivered the Lord’s Supper meditation today and we recorded it for the edification of all.
Binoy Thomas, evangelist in Kerala, India, delivers a presentation on the status of the Gospel in India and the work he and his family have been doing to bring Glory to God and make disciples.
Jeff Hostetter, evangelist, of Ghana, Africa, preaches a very encouraging and challenging message on striving for the true abundant life.