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Acts of the Apostles 67

Listen to Luke Wilson continue an examination of the book of Acts in chapter 4, how we are supposed to act in relation to authorities, and how those actions will recognize us as having been with Jesus.

Persuade Men

Mr. Willson encourages the saints to persuade men concerning the truthfulness of the gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ and ultimately the Bible. Listen in and be encouraged to excel still more!

Acts of the Apostles 66

In today’s Bible class, we continue our examination of the book of Acts in chapter 4, specifically in regards to the decision of the religious rulers telling Peter and John to speak no more in the name of Jesus and their response to that ruling. 

Get To Work

Larry Miller continues a series of messages from the book of Nehemiah; this week he discusses the need to get to work building the temple.

What Do You Want?

Today, Mr. Wilson asks one of the most important questions any of us can ever think about: “What do you want?”  Listen in as he delivers a powerful message from the book of 2 Cornithians.

Acts of the Apostles 65

Mr. Wilson continues teaching through the book of Acts; this week we continue our discussion concerning the importance of knowing the Word and who Christ is so others will be able to recognize us as “having been with Jesus.”

Sins of Immorality

Jerod continues his series from the book of Galatians dealing with the struggle between the flesh and the spirit.  This week, the subject of immorality, impurity and sensuality are discussed. Warning:  mature content.