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Listen to Judy Hirsch encourage us to be courageous Christian women; knowing and following God’s Word so we can handle situations that arise.

Acts of the Apostles 88

Listen to Luke Wilson continue studying through the Acts of the Apostles.  This week we examine the wisdom of Gamaliel and rejoicing to be considered worthy to suffer shame for the name of Jesus.

Resurrected Army Part 21

Listen to Luke Wilson continue his series of messages addressed to a resurrected army.  This week we examine utiliziing spiritual conversations to cultivate and determine spiritual interest.

Resurrected Army Part 20

In tonight’s session, Luke Wilson continues preaching through a series of messages entitled “Messages to a Resurrected Army” and asks the saints to consider carefully how ready we are to do battle.  Do we know our Bible? How would you answer the tough questions that come up during Bible Studies? Listen in and learn!