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This video is the fifth in a series examining God’s Plan of Salvation. This video establishes the Scriptural reality of hell for unforgiven sinners.
This video is about answering the question about the position of children with God. Are children in trouble with God or are they safe? What does the Bible teach about original sin? What does Jesus say about children and the age of accountability?
This video is the third in a controversial series concerning Spiritual GPS — God’s Plan of Salvation. The intent of this series is to communicate clearly the Scriptural terms of salvation. This third video exposes the lie of the sinner’s prayer. You can’t find an example of the sinner’s prayer in the Bible anywhere, yet…
This video is the second in a controversial series concerning Spiritual GPS — God’s Plan of Salvation. The intent of this series is to communicate clearly the Scriptural terms of salvation. This second video communicates that ignorance isn’t bliss. What you don’t know can and will hurt you.
This video is the first in a controversial series concerning Spiritual GPS — God’s Plan of Salvation. The intent of this series is to communicate clearly the Scriptural terms of salvation. This first video is about about absolute truth and the One Way to the God through Jesus Christ.
This video is about History being HIS STORY.
This is the seventh episode of our ongoing series establishing that the Bible truly is the Word of God.
This is the sixth episode of our ongoing series that will help you to sift through the myriad of belief systems that call themselves “The Truth”. In this episode we continue to see real proof that the Bible is the Word of God.
This is the fifth episode of our ongoing series that will help you to sift through the myriad of belief systems that call themselves “The Truth”. In this episode we begin to see real proof that the Bible is the Word of God.
This is the fourth episode of our ongoing series that will help you to sift through the myriad of belief systems that call themselves “The Truth”.