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- Create Date October 30, 2021
- Last Updated October 30, 2021
Religious Liberty Protection Kit
The Religious Liberty Protection Kit is a pamphlet distributed by FirstLiberty.org. It is aimed at helping you to protect your rights on vaccine mandates against increasingly hostile legal threats to your freedom to believe and to act upon your beliefs. It is a simple but high-quality tool for helping you guard the most precious freedom you or anyone in our society has: religious liberty, our first liberty in the Bill of Rights.
From FirstLiberty.org:
"First Liberty is our nation's largest legal organization solely dedicated to protecting religious liberty for all Americans. We have won cases at all court levels, including the United States Supreme Court, federal and state courts, and administrative courts and agencies. Victories are won through a nucleus of top-ranked staff attorneys who coordinate a national network of top litigators from firms that include 24 of the largest 50 in the world."
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